Delivery Dashboard

Best delivery services without any transaction charges and any setup fees. Customers can either take away or choose home delivery along with the status of delivery and many more!


Right & Easy way to manage your each and every delivery

Easily manageable for incoming order details with various options such as New Orders, In-process, and Delivered.


Driver Assignment


Reports on a daily basis for all drivers


Restaurant Request Section


Alert sound on the new order


Drivers section & status change


Registration for Drivers

You can select the best driver to deliver the food order and the driver will be notified instantly.


Aerial view!

Best Driver selection for fast delivery

Select the best fit to deliver upcoming orders with just a few clicks!!

Customers will receive every piece of information

The system gives real-time information about the status of the delivery to each person and also manages every single delivery.

Realtime Order Status

Not only can you check the status but also can manage all orders on just a single screen with every detail.


Receive Push Notifications instantly

Whenever any single change will be made in the system, the notification will be sent to trace the workflow and enhance service for customers.

Order Information

Using Dashboard, you can either accept or reject the order. Not only this but you also can check every single detail briefly once the order has been placed.

Customer’s Order Details

Only one screen to monitor all details of the orders of your customers
