
10+ Ways Foodchow Helps Restaurant Owners

INTRODUCTION:– Reports of friction between the Indian Restaurant Owners and Food Service Aggregators like Zomato and Swiggy are surfacing steadily over the past few years. It is an indication that there is something missing in the food ordering industry whose lack of presence can now be felt by the masses. As many as 1200 restaurants in several major cities have delisted themselves from online food delivery platforms over the issue of deep discounting offered by the food aggregators to the consumers.

Disputes related to Commissions And Discounts Per Order, unreasonable terms, and conditions levied by the food delivery companies on the restaurant owners and dispute between delivery executives and the management are now surfacing online.

By the end of this blog, you will discover how Foodchow, an up and coming Online Listing Services For Restaurants and an Online Food Ordering and Delivery System, can help the Indian restaurateurs experience true ease of business. Happy Reading!


No Commission On Transactions

Recently, food delivery partners like Zomato, Uber Eats, Foodpanda, etc. started offering deep discounts to its customers meanwhile collecting the same rate of commission per order from its restaurant partners. This resulted in restaurants earning approximately 38%-42% of the gross invoice value per sale! (Source: OpIndia). The outcry from the restaurant owners resulted situation escalating to national-media scale attention and was Resolved subsequently.

Foodchow charges 0% commission on orders received by the restaurant. The whole order amount goes to the restaurant owner’s bank account with zero interference.


Foodchow aims to shorten the distance between a ravenous consumer and a scrumptious dish to the minimum.

That’s Foodchow for you!
(Original image source: Orders2me)

Offering services of both Home-Delivery And Take-Away through its partner restaurants, Foodchowmakes sure you don’t stay hungry during the commute or at any time of the day afterward.

Unlike other foodservice aggregators, Foodchow Does Not charge its restaurant partners or consumers on a per order basis. It acts merely as a facilitator between two parties in a transaction and charges No Extra Fees or Commission for services provided.


Consumers can now Book Catering Services Online from their favorite restaurants and Book Party Orders for events and functions easily through Foodchow!

Restaurateurs can Upload Separate Menus for catering and party orders for the Convenience Of The Consumers and for Ease Of Business (since restaurateur won’t have to entertain each catering request separately thereby saving time and resources.)

(Other Food Service Aggregators: Just Business)
(Foodchow: Ease Of Doing Business)


With Foodchow, the Restaurant Owners Wholly Control Their Own Customer Database. Consumer information like name, email ID’s, contact information are a valuable resource to any entrepreneur. Being a restaurant owner, one has to has a database of their target market which they can use to promote their eatery and market combo deals/special offers, etc.

Currently, the Bigwigs(Zomato, Uber Eats, Swiggy, etc.) control the valuable customer database from their restaurant partners. If a restaurant decides to break it off with the bigwigs, then it also loses all its customer database. The marketing of that restaurant comes back to square one.


(Image Source: GloriaFood)

If the restaurant owner opts to avail of these options, then Foodchow makes it available for consumer convenience effectively. The user can now use Foodchow to Book A Table Online.


Foodchow enables the restaurant owners to run their own deals and reward schemes to their consumer base. Instead of relying on third-party food delivery companies to further your sales using blanket discounts and generic coupons; the restaurateurs can now market their bestsellers, specialty dishes using their own marketing strategies.

Foodchow allows its restaurant partners to complete freedom in operations and marketing.


Webpages are like real estate properties. Each space counts and needs to be occupied with a money-earning feature like ads. Now, instead of getting clubbed together in a list with other 369 restaurants in the locality, Foodchow dedicates a Separate Web-Page For Each Of Its Restaurant Partners. A separate piece of virtual real estate for each of its’ partners.

No competition advertisements whatsoever. Your space remains your own
(Image Source: FoodChow)
Notice the difference?


Amongst several Reasons To Subscribe To Foodchow, one of them is that it offers the restaurant owners a Free 30-Day Trial Period as its potential partner. In this period, the restaurateur will experience all that Foodchow has to offer and if satisfied, they can subscribe to Foodchow’s services and enjoy a 100% Guaranteed Return On Investment.


Once signed up with Foodchow, they equip all their restaurant partners with essential marketing tools like Search Engine Optimization, thereby empowering them to showcase their presence online.

Foodchow equips you with every marketing weapon in its arsenal before you go out guns blazing!


once signed up with Foodchow, you start receiving online orders Without Delay. The signing-up process is easy and extra smooth. No need to set up a payment gateway as the payments made will directly transfer to the restaurateur’s bank account.

Foodchow does not intermediate in the payment process thereby making the whole process faster, easier and more user-friendly.


A restaurant signed up with any of the Bigwigs cannot endorse the feature of Pre-Orders and/or Bulk Orders even if they provide it. Through Foodchow, being the first of its kind, a restaurant owner can avail their consumers to Pre-Order Online or Bulk Order Online if they wish to.

If you are paying someone to promote your restaurant, why not pay them to promote everything you have got instead of everything they can provide?


The sky is the limit, right? For sweet shop owners, delivering their products across international borders has now become a possibility with Foodchow!

  • Sweetshop owners can now process online orders received from foreign customers through Foodchow,
  • Consumers, on the other hand, can Order Sweets Online and ship it across borders through Foodchow’s website.


Once a restaurant owner signs up with Foodchow’s Pro-White Label Programthey are guided through a complimentary Restaurant Marketing Course. Here, the team of Foodchow guides its client through:

  • online marketing strategies for restaurants,
  • social media marketing strategies,
  • website development, web design, etc.
  • logistics planning and their subsequent execution by the restaurant owner,
  • and much more.

CONCLUSION:– With present food delivery companies aiming for more capital than customer satisfaction, the Indian market is ready for a new player to enter and take over. Foodchow is in no way, a competitor to the bigwigs. Foodchow is a venture of its own.

An intuitive online food ordering system, Foodchow is the only Online Food Ordering and Delivery Platform which provides complete Digital Marketing Strategies for Restaurant Owners in growing their business. They provide a restaurant website, food ordering systems, mobile app ordering, and online strategy.

Contact them today by visiting Foodchow’s official website i.e. www.foodchow.com

Tenacious Techies, is a premier digital agency with clients all over the world. Jigar is a foodie who created FoodChow to help restaurant owners increase profit and sales. He has helped hundreds of companies construct their own websites, applications, and digital marketing techniques. Give us a call today if you're interested in starting your own online business or expanding your current one.
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